see also TEACH, LEARN, SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY - the teaching or training of people, especially in schools, colleges, etc to improve their knowledge and develop their skills: education (noun U/singular); adjective: educational The British education system ◎ adult education ◎ sex education ◎ I hated my school but I have to admit that it gave me an excellent education. ◎ educational materials - to teach or train sb, especially in a school, university, etc: educate sb I was educated in France. - education of very young children, before they go to school (usually from the age of 3 to 5): pre-school education - the first stage of education (from about the age of 5): primary education - the second stage of education (from about the age of 11 or 12): secondary education - education in a university or college: tertiary education - education at a university: higher education - education for people who have left school, but not at a university: further education - education that is connected with the skills you need to do a particular job: vocational education - an area of knowledge that is studied at school, college, etc: subject My favourite subject at school was French. - a complete series of lessons or classes related to a particular subject: course (in/on sth) an advanced English course ◎ She wants to do a course in social work. - to spend time learning about sth: study sth I spent a year studying Russian. - a class in the evening where people go to learn sth: evening class I'm attending evening classes to improve my Italian. - a written, spoken or practical test of what you know or can do: exam, (formal) examination I've passed my history exam. - an examination that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed: qualification a teaching qualification ◎ These days, people need more and more qualifications to get a job. - to pass an examination which is necessary to do a particular job: qualify (as sth) He qualified as a teacher about three years ago. - if you have passed an examination or completed a course of study, you are qualified; opposite: unqualified She's a qualified physiotherapist. ◎ They said I was unqualified to do that job. ※ more on studying and examinations STUDY, EXAM - somebody who has had a good education is well educated; not well educated: uneducated ※ MORE ... - connected with the educational activities of schools, colleges and universities: academic (adverb academically) the beginning of the academic year ◎ The school has improved academically in the past year.