see also DAY - the time when it is dark and people usually sleep: night (noun C/U) in the middle of the night ◎ He died on the night before his ninetieth birthday. ◎ I prefer to work at night. ◎ Night falls (= begins) quickly in tropical countries. - the time when it is dark: night-time (noun U) - the end of the day when the light begins to disappear: dusk (noun U), sunset (noun C/U) - the time when the night begins: nightfall (noun U) at nightfall - the time when the night ends and a new day begins: dawn (noun C/U) - the middle of the night at 12 o'clock: midnight (noun U) - the hours between midnight and the morning: the small hours I sat up until the small hours, writing letters to people who I thought might give me a job. - this night: tonight - the night before this one: last night - the night after this one: tomorrow night - two nights ago: the night before last Note: when sth happens in the night, you can say at night, during the night, in the night; when you give the name of a day, you use on: on Saturday night. You say by night when you contrast night with the day: Owls sleep during the day and hunt by night. - done or happening every night: nightly (adjective, adverb) The film will be shown nightly, except on Sundays. - when the night begins you can say it gets* dark Make sure you're home before it gets dark. - to emphasize that sth happens during the whole period of the night, you can say all night long The baby cried all night long. ※ going to bed BED