X [X] BrE [eks] NAmE [eks] (also x)noun, symbol noun (pl. Xs, X's, x'sBrE [ˈeksɪz] ; NAmE [ˈeksɪz] ) 1. countable, uncountable the 24th letter of the English alphabet •‘Xylophone’ begins with (an) X/‘X’. 2. uncountable (mathematics)used to represent a number whose value is not mentioned •The equation is impossible for any value of x greater than 2. 3. uncountable a person, a number, an influence, etc. that is not known or not named •Let's suppose X knows what Y is doing. see also ↑X chromosome, ↑X-rated, ↑X-ray symbol 1. the number 10 in ↑Roman numerals 2. used to represent a kiss at the end of a letter, etc. •Love from Kathy XXX. 3. used to show a vote for sb in an election •Write X beside the candidate of your choice. 4. used to show that a written answer is wrong compare ↑tick n. (1) 5. used to show position, for example on a map •X marks the spot.