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see also SEA - an area of land by the sea, usually covered with sand or stones, and often covered by the sea at high tide: beach She spent the whole afternoon lying on the beach. - the land at the edge of the sea: shore (noun C/U), seashore (noun U) The swimmer kept close to the shore. - the type of ground found in deserts and on beaches, made of tiny pieces of stone: sand (noun U); having a lot of sand: sandy children playing in the sand - a smooth, round stone that is found near the sea: pebble a pebble beach (= a beach with a lot of pebbles) - the hard outer part of a small sea animal which you can find at the beach: shell - a steep, rocky part of the coast: cliff - a low hill of sand by the sea or in the desert: dune, sand dune - a raised line of water which moves across the surface of the sea: wave - the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea: tide high/low tide ※ more on waves and tides SEA - an area on the coast where people go on holiday: seaside (noun singular) a holiday by the seaside - a town with a lot of hotels by the sea: (seaside) resort - the street which goes along the edge of the sea in a seaside town: front, seafront - a large structure which is built out into the sea, and which has entertainments and amusements for people who are on holiday: pier ※ activities by the sea - to swim in the sea or in a lake or river: bathe; noun (U): bathing a good beach for bathing - to walk in bare feet in shallow water, for example in the sea: paddle We sat on the sand and watched the children paddling. - to take off most of your clothes and sit or lie in the sun to make your skin go brown: sunbathe - to stand or lie on a special board (a surfboard) and ride on a wave towards the shore: surf; a person who surfs: surfer We spent the day surfing and sunbathing. - to swim with a tube (a snorkel) which allows you to breathe underwater: snorkel ※ swimming SWIM
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