see also COME/GO, ARRIVE, LEAVE - to come or go into a place: (formal) enter (sth), come*/go* in/inside, come*/go* into sth Knock before entering. ◎ The students all stood up when the teacher entered the room. ◎ I knocked on the door and went in. ◎ 'Come in!' ◎ She came quietly into the room and sat down by the fire. - to enter a place, usually with some difficulty: get* in/inside, get* into sth How on earth did you manage to get in? ◎ They got into the building through a side door. - an act of coming or going into a place: entrance His entrance was greeted by applause. - to enter a place secretly or quietly: sneak/slip in, sneak/slip into sth I slipped into the lecture room and took a seat at the back. ※ entering with force - to enter a building by force, usually to steal sth: break* in, break* into sth The thieves broke in through the back door. - to make or force a way into sth or through sth: penetrate sth; noun (U): penetration The bullet had penetrated his heart. - to go or move into a place where there is not much space: squeeze into sth We all squeezed into the lift. ※ allowing sb into a place - to allow sb/sth to enter a place: let* sb/sth in, let* sb/sth into sth, (formal) admit sb/sth (into/to sth) Please let me in. I'm a friend of the owner. ◎ Why don't you open the curtains and let some light into the room? - the right to enter a place: entrance (noun U), entry (noun U), admittance (noun U) an entrance fee ◎ The sign says 'No entry'. ◎ No admittance without a ticket. - not to allow sb/sth to enter a place: keep* sb/sth out (of a place) Keep the dog out of the house. - to forbid sb officially to enter or go through a place: bar sb (from sth) They were barred from the club for bad behaviour. - to lock a door so that sb cannot get into or out of a place: lock sb out/in Oh no. I've left my house keys at the office and locked myself out. ※ ways into a place - a thing that you open or close to go in or out of a building or room, or to use a cupboard, etc: door to open/shut/close the door ◎ an open door ◎ the front door - a thing like a door that closes an opening in a wall, hedge, fence, etc: gate a gate into a field - a gate that goes round and allows one person at a time to pass through it (for example at a sports ground): turnstile ※ more on doors DOOR - a door, gate or opening where you go into a place: entrance I'll meet you at the entrance to the cinema. - a door, gate or opening where you go out of a place: exit This plane has two exits at the front and two at the rear. - a way of entering or reaching a place: access (to sth) (noun U) No access ◎ wheelchair access