1. a diagram or picture illustrating textual material (Freq. 65) - the area covered can be seen from Figure 2 • Syn: fig • Hypernyms: illustration 2. alternative names for the body of a human being (Freq. 48) - Leonardo studied the human body - he has a strong physique - the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak • Syn: human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh • Derivationally related forms: anatomic (for: anatomy), anatomist (for: anatomy), anatomical (for: anatomy) • Hypernyms: body, organic structure, physical structure • Hyponyms: person, juvenile body, adult body, male body, female body • Part Holonyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul, homo, man, human being, human 3. one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration (Freq. 18) - 0 and 1 are digits • Syn: digit • Derivationally related forms: digitize (for: digit), digitise (for: digit), digitalize (for: digit) • Hypernyms: integer, whole number • Hyponyms: binary digit, octal digit, decimal digit, duodecimal digit, hexadecimal digit, significant digit, significant figure, zero, 0, nought, cipher, cypher, one, 1, I, ace, single, unity, two, 2, II, deuce, three, 3, III, trio, threesome, tierce, leash, troika, triad, trine, trinity, ternary, ternion, triplet, tercet, terzetto, trey, deuce-ace, four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion, quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet, foursome, Little Joe, five, 5, V, cinque, quint, quintet, fivesome, quintuplet, pentad, fin, Phoebe, Little Phoebe, six, 6, VI, sixer, sise, Captain Hicks, half a dozen, sextet, sestet, sextuplet, hexad, seven, 7, VII, sevener, heptad, septet, septenary, eight, 8, VIII, eighter, eighter from Decatur, octad, ogdoad, octonary, octet, nine, 9, IX, niner, Nina from Carolina, ennead 4. a model of a bodily form (especially of a person) (Freq. 14) - he made a figure of Santa Claus • Hypernyms: model, simulation • Hyponyms: dummy, figurehead, figurine, statuette, puppet, marionette, snowman • Instance Hyponyms: Trojan Horse, Wooden Horse 5. a well-known or notable person (Freq. 13) - they studied all the great names in the history of France - she is an important figure in modern music • Syn: name, public figure • Hypernyms: important person, influential person, personage 6. a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape (Freq. 8) • Hypernyms: shape, form • Hyponyms: equilateral, pencil, plane figure, two-dimensional figure, solid figure, three-dimensional figure, subfigure, parallel 7. an amount of money expressed numerically (Freq. 8) - a figure of $17 was suggested • Hypernyms: sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money 8. the impression produced by a person (Freq. 8) - he cut a fine figure - a heroic figure • Hypernyms: impression, effect 9. the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals (Freq. 1) - he had a number of chores to do - the number of parameters is small - the figure was about a thousand • Syn: number • Derivationally related forms: number (for: number) • Hypernyms: amount • Hyponyms: numerousness, numerosity, multiplicity, preponderance, prevalence, prevalence, countlessness, majority, bulk, minority, fewness, roundness 10. language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense • Syn: trope, figure of speech, image • Derivationally related forms: tropical (for: trope) • Members of this Usage Domain: cakewalk, blind alley, blockbuster, megahit, smash hit, sleeper, bell ringer, bull's eye, mark, home run, housecleaning, goldbrick, lens, domino effect, flip side, period, summer, dawn, evening, rainy day • Hypernyms: rhetorical device • Hyponyms: conceit, irony, hyperbole, exaggeration, kenning, metaphor, metonymy, oxymoron, personification, prosopopoeia, simile, synecdoche, zeugma 11. a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground • Ant: ground • Hypernyms: percept, perception, perceptual experience 12. a decorative or artistic work - the coach had a design on the doors • Syn: design, pattern • Derivationally related forms: design (for: design) • Hypernyms: decoration, ornament, ornamentation • Hyponyms: argyle, argyll, bear claw, damascene, decal, decalcomania, device, emblem, herringbone, herringbone pattern, linocut, mandala, mihrab, motif, motive, polka dot, pyrograph, screen saver, sunburst, tattoo, tetraskelion, tetraskele, triskelion, triskele, weave, marking 13. a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating - she made the best score on compulsory figures • Hypernyms: maneuver, manoeuvre, play • Hyponyms: figure eight, spread eagle
1. judge to be probable (Freq. 20) • Syn: calculate, estimate, reckon, count on, forecast • Derivationally related forms: forecast (for: forecast), forecaster (for: forecast), estimator (for: estimate), calculable (for: calculate), calculation (for: calculate) • Hypernyms: evaluate, pass judgment, judge • Hyponyms: allow, take into account • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE 2. be or play a part of or in (Freq. 8) - Elections figure prominently in every government program - How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics? • Syn: enter • Hypernyms: be • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 3. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind (Freq. 3) - I can't see him on horseback! - I can see what will happen - I can see a risk in this strategy • Syn: visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, picture, image • Derivationally related forms: image (for: image), imaging (for: image), imagery (for: image), picture (for: picture), picturing (for: picture), figuration, seer (for: see), fancy (for: fancy), envisioning (for: envision), visualization (for: visualize), visualizer (for: visualize) • Hypernyms: imagine, conceive of, ideate, envisage • Verb Group: understand, realize, realise, see, visualize, visualise • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE 4. make a mathematical calculation or computation (Freq. 2) • Syn: calculate, cipher, cypher, compute, work out, reckon • See Also: figure out, reckon (for: reckon) • Derivationally related forms: figurer, figuring, reckoner (for: reckon), reckoning (for: reckon), computation (for: compute), computer (for: compute), cypher (for: cypher), cipher (for: cipher), calculable (for: calculate), calculus (for: calculate), calculation (for: calculate), calculator (for: calculate) • Topics: mathematics, math, maths • Hypernyms: reason • Hyponyms: quantize, quantise, extract, process, prorate, miscalculate, misestimate, recalculate, average, average out, factor, factor in, factor out, add, add together, subtract, deduct, take off, multiply, divide, fraction, interpolate, extrapolate, differentiate, integrate, survey, estimate, gauge, approximate, approximate, judge, budget, capitalize, capitalise, resolve, solve • Verb Group: work out • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE 5. understand (Freq. 1) - He didn't figure her • Usage Domain: colloquialism • Hypernyms: grok, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, grasp, compass, apprehend • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody