Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different ways in which things or people are funny 2 being funny in order to annoy or attack people 3 funny people see also ENJOY, ENTERTAINMENT
1 different ways in which things or people are funny - making you laugh or smile: funny, amusing; verb: amuse sb He's very funny. ◎ a funny play ◎ an amusing incident ◎ Did you find the book amusing? ◎ What's amusing you? ◎ I was very amused by your speech. - funny and slightly ridiculous: comic, comical They looked really comical in their funny hats. - very funny: hilarious He told us a hilarious story. ◎ We had a hilarious afternoon. - perhaps funny, but also stupid: ridiculous, absurd What a ridiculous hat! ◎ It was an absurd situation. - using words in a clever and amusing way: witty (adverb wittily) a witty speaker ◎ a witty remark - if a thing is not funny, but important, it is serious (adverb seriously) Please don't laugh - I'm being serious. ◎ Did you seriously mean that? - to make sounds to show that you are happy or amused: laugh (at sb/sth); noun (U): laughter to laugh out loud ◎ She laughed at what I told her. ◎ the sound of laughter ◎ We could hear laughter in the next room. - the feeling that you experience when sth funny makes you laugh: amusement (noun U) I could see the amusement on his face. ◎ The mistake caused much amusement. ※ laughing LAUGH - the amusing quality of a thing, person, situation, etc: humour (AmE humor)(noun U) He was so angry that he couldn't see the humour of the situation. - if you are able to see when sth is funny and to laugh at things, you have a sense of humour Ian's got a great sense of humour. ※ jokes - something that is said or done to make you laugh: joke to tell a joke ◎ a dirty joke (= about sex) Have you heard the joke about the elephant at the North Pole? ◎ It was only a joke. - to say sth that is not meant to be serious: joke, say* sth in fun, (informal) kid Did she say that? You must be joking! ◎ She just said it in fun - she didn't really mean it. ◎ I'm not kidding - it's really true! - to understand what is funny about a joke: get* it, get*/see* the joke Everyone else laughed, but I just didn't get it at all. ◎ She obviously couldn't see the joke and felt very embarrassed. - the last part of a joke, which makes people laugh: punchline When the punchline came, everyone laughed, except me! ※ funny plays and drawings - an amusing play, film, etc: comedy There's a comedy on TV at eight o'clock. - a short comedy scene which is part of a show: sketch They did a sketch about a doctor's waiting room. - a funny drawing, especially in a newspaper: cartoon
2 being funny in order to annoy or attack people - to laugh at a person, often in an unkind way, or make other people do this: make* fun of sb, poke fun at sb They made fun of our accents. - to try to make sb angry by saying unkind things: tease (sb) The other children teased her - I suppose because she was fat. - to make fun of sb by making them believe sth that is not true: (informal) pull sb's leg He says that I need to put on a bit of weight, but he's just pulling my leg. - to copy the way a person speaks or behaves, in an amusing way: do* an impression of sb Can you do an impression of the Prime Minister? - something that you do to annoy sb or to make them look silly, which makes other people laugh: practical joke - to trick a person in order to amuse yourself or other people: play a joke/trick on sb Every April 1st the children play a practical joke on their teacher and she pretends to be surprised. - to accept jokes about yourself without getting angry: take* a joke Can't you take a joke? - meaning the opposite of what you say: irony (noun U); said or written in this way: ironic, ironical (adverb ironically) Irony is an important element of British humour. ◎ an ironic comment ◎ 'Very funny,' he said ironically. - attacking bad or foolish people or behaviour by making fun of them: satire (noun C/U); containing or using satire: satirical a work of bitter satire ◎ a political satire ◎ a satire on 19th-century society ◎ a satirical play
3 funny people - a person who makes people laugh: comedian; a person who tells jokes: comic My favourite comedian is still Charlie Chaplin. ◎ a TV comic ◎ a stand-up comic (= one who tells jokes to an audience) - a person who makes people laugh, especially in a circus: clown - a person who likes to make jokes or play tricks: joker He's a bit of a joker, so don't believe everything he says.
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