1. any place of pain and turmoil (Freq. 6) - the hell of battle - the inferno of the engine room - when you're alone Christmas is the pits • Syn: hell on earth, hellhole, snake pit, the pits, inferno • Derivationally related forms: infernal (for: inferno) • Hypernyms: region, part 2. a cause of difficulty and suffering - war is hell - go to blazes • Syn: blaze • Hypernyms: trouble 3. violent and excited activity - they began to fight like sin • Syn: sin • Usage Domain: colloquialism • Hypernyms: activity 4. noisy and unrestrained mischief - raising blazes • Syn: blaze • Hypernyms: mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, deviltry, devilry, devilment, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan