Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies - 'up' in 'finished up' is an intensifier - 'honestly' in 'I honestly don't know' is an intensifier • Syn: intensive • Derivationally related forms: intensify • Members of this Usage Domain: living, every last, well, bloody, damn, all-fired, mighty, mightily, powerful, right, in truth, really, truly, madly, insanely, deadly, deucedly, devilishly, downright, literally, most, infernally, hellishly, so, such, positively, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously, superbly, toppingly, marvellously, terrifically, marvelously, ever, ever so, just, simply, honestly, candidly, frankly, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, precious, preciously • Hypernyms: modifier, qualifier