1 different feelings of love 2 having a relationship with somebody 3 showing that you love somebody 4 problems in relationships other emotions EMOTION see also LIKE, DISLIKE, FRIEND, MARRY
1 different feelings of love - strong, warm feelings of liking, attraction, etc for sb: love (noun U); verb: love sb a mother's love for her children ◎ I love her dearly. - a loving feeling towards sb: affection (noun U/C), fondness (noun U); having this feeling: affectionate (towards sb) (adverb affectionately), fond (of sb) (adverb fondly) an affectionate child ◎ He is very fond of his granddaughter. ◎ He spoke fondly of his family and friends. - to love and admire sb very much: adore sb, be devoted to sb; nouns (U): adoration, devotion He adores his mother - he'd do anything for her. - to love and admire sb a lot or too much: idolize sb, worship sb ※ romantic and sexual love - very strong feelings of affection for and sexual attraction to sb: love (noun U) your love life (= the part of your life concerned with love) a love story/letter/song - to experience this love for sb: love sb, be in love (with sb) I love you with all my heart. ◎ They were deeply/passionately/madly in love (with each other). - to begin to have feelings of love for sb: fall* in love (with sb) - love which you feel the first time you see sb: love at first sight When he saw her it was love at first sight. - a situation of being in love or falling in love: romance (noun U); adjective: romantic It was a beautiful night; there was romance in the air. ◎ a romantic candle-lit dinner ◎ He isn't very romantic; he never says he loves me. - to have the beginnings of romantic or sexual feelings for a person: be attracted to sb, be interested (in sb), (informal) fancy sb I'm definitely attracted to her, but I don't think she's interested in me. ◎ I think Bob fancies you! - to have very strong feelings of romantic love for sb: (informal) be mad/crazy/nuts about sb, be head over heels (in love with sb) I'm absolutely crazy about her; I can't stop thinking about her.
2 having a relationship with somebody - a romantic and/or sexual relationship between two people which is usually quite serious: relationship to have a relationship with sb ◎ My girlfriend left me recently so I'm not in a relationship at the moment. ◎ They've had their problems but it's a very strong relationship. - having a relationship: together We've been together for three years now. - a relationship (usually sexual) between two people who are not married and are not permanent partners: romance, (love) affair It was just a short romance - it didn't last long. ◎ She had a passionate affair with a barman in Corfu. - a man/woman with whom sb is having a romantic or sexual relationship: boyfriend/girlfriend - a man or woman who is having a sexual relationship with sb who is married to sb else: lover; a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man: mistress - to spend time with sb at the beginning of a relationship: go* out with sb, see* sb Tim's been going out with Kate for a few months now. ◎ How long have they been seeing each other? - a meeting between two people who like each other in a sexual and/or romantic way: date I've got a date with Jake tonight. - to ask sb for a meeting like this: ask sb out, ask sb for a date
3 showing that you love somebody - to touch sb with your lips to show love or affection or as a greeting: kiss (sb); noun: kiss She kissed him gently on the lips. ◎ a long passionate kiss - (used about a couple) to keep kissing each other for a long time: (BrE informal) snog I saw them snogging in the back of the car. - (used about a couple) to kiss and touch in a sexual way: pet - to hold sb close to you in an affectionate way: hug (sb), (formal) embrace (sb); nouns: hug, embrace hugs and kisses ◎ Give your father a big hug. ◎ We hugged and then said goodbye. ◎ a warm/passionate embrace - to stroke sb in a gentle and loving way: caress (sb); noun: caress She caressed him gently on the face. ◎ a soft caress - to hold sb closely in your arms as a sign of love: cuddle (sb); noun: cuddle He cuddled her until she stopped crying and fell asleep. ◎ Give me a cuddle! - (used about two people) to hold each other's hands: hold* hands They walked beside the loch, holding hands. ※ holding sb's hand or arm HAND/ARM ※ speaking to the person you love - when you speak to sb you know very well and like or love (for example, a child), you can say: (my) love, (my) dear, (especially AmE) honey Come on, love - we'll go and find your mummy. ◎ How are you, my dear? ◎ You look gorgeous, honey. - When you speak to a person that you love very much, you can say: (my) darling, (my) dearest, (my) sweetheart ※ making love - to take part in a sexual act with another person: have sex (with sb), go* to bed with sb, sleep* with sb; a more polite (and loving) way of saying this: make* love (to sb) Do you think they've slept together? ◎ After making love, they fell asleep. ※ sexual behaviour and making love SEX
4 problems in relationships - to cause sb to feel emotional pain in a relationship: hurt* sb, break* sb's heart I've been badly hurt in several relationships. ◎ She broke his heart by going off with another man. - the feeling you get when you think sb loves another person more than you: jealousy (noun U); adjective: jealous a jealous lover ◎ He gets jealous whenever she talks to another man. ※ problems in a marriage MARRY - to gradually stop loving or liking sb over time: grow* apart (from sb) It had to end - our lives were so different and we just grew apart. - to decide to be lovers again after breaking up: make* (it) up with sb, get* back together (with sb) to kiss and make up ◎ They finally got back together again after three years apart. ※ the end of a relationship RELATIONSHIP ※ MORE ... - the day (February 14) for lovers: Valentine's day; the card that some people send on this day: valentine (card)