1. one of the persons who compose a social group (especially individuals who have joined and participate in a group organization) (Freq. 67) - only members will be admitted - a member of the faculty - she was introduced to all the members of his family • Syn: fellow member • Ant: nonmember • Derivationally related forms: membership • Hypernyms: associate • Hyponyms: Areopagite, brother, cabalist, charter member, commissioner, committee member, council member, councillor, Conservative, fellow, homeboy, homegirl, huddler, inductee, joiner, kibbutznik, kolkhoznik, board member, clansman, clanswoman, clan member, club member, pledge, Rosicrucian, Rotarian, sister, sodalist, tribesman 2. anything that belongs to a set or class (Freq. 6) - snakes are members of the class Reptilia - members of the opposite sex • Derivationally related forms: membership • Hypernyms: part, portion, component part, component, constituent 3. an external body part that projects from the body (Freq. 5) - it is important to keep the extremities warm • Syn: extremity, appendage • Hypernyms: external body part • Hyponyms: chelicera, mouthpart, fang, claw, chela, nipper, pincer, parapodium, fin, swimmeret, pleopod, limb, digit, dactyl 4. an organization that is a member of another organization (especially a state that belongs to a group of nations) - the library was a member of the interlibrary loan association - Canada is a member of the United Nations • Derivationally related forms: membership • Hypernyms: unit, social unit 5. the male organ of copulation ('member' is a euphemism) • Syn: penis, phallus • Derivationally related forms: phallic (for: phallus), penial (for: penis) • Hypernyms: erectile organ • Hyponyms: cock, prick, dick, shaft, pecker, peter, tool, putz, micropenis, microphallus • Part Holonyms: male genitalia, male genitals, male genital organ, family jewels, male reproductive system • Part Meronyms: glans penis, vena bulbi penis, urethra, prepuce, foreskin