Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ADVERTISEMENT, ADVISE/SUGGEST, ENCOURAGE - to make sb do sth by talking to them and giving them good reasons: persuade sb (to do sth), (informal) get* sb to do sth; noun (U): persuasion Did you manage to persuade them to stay? ◎ We got them to leave after a lot of persuasion. - to succeed in making sb believe sth: convince sb (of sth/that ※¦) The policeman convinced us that it would be dangerous to drive any further. - if sth succeds in persuading you, it is convincing (adverb convincingly), persuasive (adverb persuasively), you are convinced a convincing argument ◎ a persuasive speech ◎ She argued her case very persuasively. ◎ I'm now quite convinced that I should stay in my job. - to persuade sb to do sth that they do not want to do: talk sb into sth/doing sth, push sb into sth/doing sth They talked us into joining them on their holiday. ◎ My parents tried to push me into studying medicine. - to persuade sb to do sth wrong: (informal) put* sb up to sth He's never stolen anything before - he must have been put up to it by his friends. - to try very strongly to persuade sb to do sth: urge sb (to do sth) She urged us to go before it was too late. - to try to persuade sb, for example not to do sth stupid: reason with sb The police are trying to reason with the hijackers. - to persuade sb gently: coax sb (into sth/doing sth); noun (U): coaxing We had a tough time coaxing him into taking the medicine. ◎ She finally agreed to come to the party, after a lot of coaxing. - to try to persuade sb to do sth (especially sth which they should not do) by offering them sth in return: tempt sb (to do sth), tempt sb into sth/doing sth; noun (C/U): temptation They tried to tempt me to stay. ◎ Advertisements are designed to tempt people into spending more money than they need to. ◎ The offer of a company car was a big temptation. ◎ We managed to resist the temptation to go. - something which tempts you to do sth is tempting a tempting offer - an amount of money or some other gift which you give sb in order to persuade them to do sth for you: bribe to offer/accept/reject a bribe - to persuade sb to do sth for you by giving them a bribe: bribe sb (to do sth) We tried to bribe the guard with a bottle of whisky. - the crime of giving bribes: bribery (noun U) ※ persuading SB not to do STH - to persuade sb not to do sth: dissuade sb (from sth/doing sth), talk sb out of sth/doing sth I tried to dissuade them from selling their house. ◎ Did you manage to talk them out of coming with us? - to try to persuade sb not to do sth: discourage sb (from sth/doing sth), discourage sth; noun (U): discouragement Parents should discourage their children from smoking. ◎ Smoking should be discouraged. ※ MORE ... - to be able to persuade sb to do anything you want them to do: (informal) twist sb round your little finger She knows how to twist her parents round her little finger. - information, often untrue, which is made public by a government or large organization in order to persuade people to believe sth: propaganda (noun U)
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