Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1. the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving) (Freq. 5) - the priest sank to his knees in prayer • Syn: supplication • Derivationally related forms: pray • Hypernyms: worship • Hyponyms: devotion, blessing, benediction 2. reverent petition to a deity (Freq. 4) • Syn: petition, orison • Derivationally related forms: pray • Hypernyms: request, asking • Hyponyms: prayer wheel, benediction, blessing, collect, commination, commination, grace, thanksgiving, intercession, invocation, supplication, requiescat 3. earnest or urgent request (Freq. 2) - an entreaty to stop the fighting - an appeal for help - an appeal to the public to keep calm • Syn: entreaty, appeal • Derivationally related forms: appeal (for: appeal) • Hypernyms: request, asking • Hyponyms: adjuration, demagoguery, demagogy, supplication, plea, solicitation, suit, courtship, wooing, courting 4. a fixed text used in praying (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: pray • Hypernyms: sacred text, sacred writing, religious writing, religious text • Hyponyms: Agnus Dei, Mass, Shema • Instance Hyponyms: Angelus, Ave Maria, Hail Mary, Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis, Evening Prayer, evensong, Kol Nidre, Litany, Lord's Prayer 5. someone who prays to God • Syn: supplicant • Derivationally related forms: pray • Hypernyms: religious person • Hyponyms: beadsman, bedesman
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