see also MACHINE, CUT, GARDEN - a piece of equipment that can help you do a particular job: tool a set of garden tools ◎ power tools (= tools that run on electricity) - a tool used especially for delicate or scientific work: instrument surgical instruments - a tool or machine: device, (informal) gadget a kitchen full of electrical gadgets - a tool used for outdoor work: implement farm implements - all the things, such as tools, machines, clothing, that are needed for a particular activity: equipment (noun U), gear (noun U) camping equipment/gear ◎ a piece of climbing equipment - a number of tools which are used for a certain purpose: set, kit a set of spanners ◎ a bicycle-repair kit - to use a chisel: chisel sth (into sth) lettering chiselled into the stone - to use a file: file sth - to use a plane: plane sth to plane sth smooth - to make a hole with a drill: drill sth You need to drill another hole just here. - to hold sth with a clamp: clamp sth (to sth) - a table that you can work on, attach tools to, etc: workbench - a heavy wooden hammer: mallet - a very large and heavy kind of spanner: wrench - to hit sth with a hammer: hammer sth to hammer a nail into a piece of wood - the activity of using a hammer, or the sound of one being used: hammering the noise of hammering - to join two things together with a nail: nail sth (to sth), knock a nail (in/into sth) to nail two bits of wood together ◎ to knock a nail in the wall - to connect sth to sth else with a screw or screws; to join two or more things with a screw or screws: screw sth (into/onto sth); opposite: unscrew sth to screw a lock onto the door ◎ The shelves were screwed into the wall. - to turn a screw, etc until it cannot turn any more: tighten sth; opposite: loosen sth I can't tighten this screw any more. - if sth has been tightened, it is tight; opposite: loose Can you check that the screws are tight? ◎ That nut's rather loose; perhaps you'd better tighten it a bit. - when, after a while, a nut or a screw which had been tightened is loose, it comes* loose A screw came loose and the handle came off.