1. a fact that has been verified (Freq. 17) - at last he knew the truth - the truth is that he didn't want to do it • Hypernyms: fact • Hyponyms: home truth, verity 2. conformity to reality or actuality (Freq. 7) - they debated the truth of the proposition - the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat - he was famous for the truth of his portraits - he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities • Syn: the true, verity, trueness • Ant: falsity • Derivationally related forms: true (for: trueness) • Hypernyms: actuality • Attrubites: true, false 3. a true statement (Freq. 6) - he told the truth - he thought of answering with the truth but he knew they wouldn't believe it • Syn: true statement • Ant: falsehood • Hypernyms: statement • Hyponyms: gospel, gospel truth, tautology, truism 4. the quality of being near to the true value (Freq. 3) - he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass - the lawyer questioned the truth of my account • Syn: accuracy • Ant: inaccuracy (for: accuracy) • Hypernyms: quality • Hyponyms: exactness, exactitude, fidelity • Attrubites: accurate, inaccurate