Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also FOOD - a kind of food which is made from flour and water: bread (noun U) Can you cut me a slice of bread, please. ◎ She put some cheese on a bit/piece of bread. ◎ white/brown bread - bread that has been shaped and cooked in one large piece: loaf (of bread) (plural loaves) - the outside of a loaf or slice of bread: crust - very small pieces of bread, cake or biscuit: crumbs (noun plural) breadcrumbs - a very small loaf of bread for one person: roll rolls and butter for breakfast ◎ a ham roll (= a roll filled with ham) - a light roll with a curved shape: croissant - bread that has been cut into slices: sliced bread (noun U), sliced loaf - made from flour that contains all the grain: wholemeal a wholemeal loaf - bread which has just been baked is fresh They bake fresh bread daily. - old bread which is hard and dry is stale The bread's gone stale. - a piece of wood used for cutting bread on: breadboard - the knife used for cutting bread: bread knife - a container for keeping bread in: bread bin ※ ways of eating bread - two pieces of bread with sth in between: sandwich a cheese sandwich ◎ Shall we make sandwiches for the journey? - bread which is made brown by heating: toast (noun U) a slice of toast for breakfast - a machine which makes toast: toaster - to put butter, jam, etc on bread: spread* A on B, spread* B with A He spread jam on his bread. ◎ He spread his bread with jam. - some things that you can spread on bread: butter (noun U), margarine (noun U), jam (noun U) (= a sweet substance made from fruit), marmalade (noun U) (= jam made from oranges or lemons), spread (noun U) (= any soft food that you can spread onto bread), honey (noun U) (= the sweet substance made by bees) bread and butter ◎ toast and marmalade ◎ chocolate spread ※ more on butter and margarine BUTTER ※ making bread - to prepare and cook bread: bake (sth); noun (U): baking I'm going to do some baking this afternoon. - a person who bakes and sells bread and cakes: baker - the place where a baker makes bread: bakery - a place where bread, cakes, etc are sold: baker's (shop) - the white or brown powder used to make bread: flour (noun U) - the mixture of flour and water used to make bread: dough (noun U) - the brown substance used to make bread rise: yeast (noun U) - to move the dough around with your hands: knead sth Knead the dough until smooth. ※ more on flour FLOUR
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