Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
other parts of houses or other buildings HOUSE, BUILDING - the part of a building, vehicle, etc, that covers the top of it: roof a flat roof ◎ to climb onto the roof - a round roof on a building: dome the dome of St Paul's Cathedral - the space inside the roof of a house: attic, loft We have converted our loft into a bedroom for the children. - the long metal or plastic pipe that is fixed under the edge of a roof to carry away rainwater: gutter a blocked gutter - smoke from a fireplace in a house goes up above the roof through a chimney; the narrow pipe at the top of a chimney: chimney pot ※ what roofs are made of - a piece of baked clay that fits together with others in rows to cover a roof: tile; adjective: tiled a tiled roof - a type of dark grey rock that can easily be split into thin, flat pieces and used to cover a roof: slate (noun U); one of these pieces: slate a slate roof ◎ Several of the slates came off in the storm. - a roof that is covered with dried straw is thatched; the straw that is used for this: thatch (noun U) a thatched cottage - a hard, grey metal which is used in sheets that are shaped into folds: corrugated iron (noun U) a hut with a corrugated iron roof
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