1. a tight-fitting headdress (Freq. 10) • Hypernyms: headdress, headgear • Hyponyms: balaclava, balaclava helmet, Balmoral, bluebonnet, baseball cap, jockey cap, golf cap, bathing cap, swimming cap, beret, biggin, biretta, berretta, birretta, calpac, calpack, kalpac, cloth cap, flat cap, cockscomb, coxcomb, coonskin cap, coonskin, fez, tarboosh, garrison cap, overseas cap, Glengarry, kalansuwa, kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap, liberty cap, mobcap, mortarboard, nightcap, pinner, sailor cap, shower cap, ski cap, stocking cap, toboggan cap, skullcap, tam, tam-o'-shanter, tammy, watch cap, wishing cap • Part Meronyms: earflap, earlap 2. a top (as for a bottle) (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: top, cover • Hyponyms: bottlecap, nipple, radiator cap 3. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive (Freq. 1) • Syn: detonator, detonating device • Derivationally related forms: detonate (for: detonator) • Hypernyms: explosive device • Hyponyms: blasting cap, percussion cap 4. something serving as a cover or protection (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: protective covering, protective cover, protection • Hyponyms: distributor cap, ferrule, collet, hubcap, lens cap, lens cover, thimble 5. a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom • Syn: pileus • Hypernyms: plant part, plant structure • Part Holonyms: fungus 6. a protective covering that is part of a plant • Syn: hood • Hypernyms: covering, natural covering, cover • Part Holonyms: plant, flora, plant life 7. an upper limit on what is allowed - he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him - there was a roof on salaries - they established a cap for prices • Syn: ceiling, roof • Hypernyms: control • Hyponyms: glass ceiling 8. (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth - tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown • Syn: crown, crownwork, jacket, jacket crown • Topics: dentistry, dental medicine, odontology • Hypernyms: dental appliance 9. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature • Syn: capital, chapiter • Hypernyms: top • Part Holonyms: column, pillar
1. lie at the top of (Freq. 3) - Snow capped the mountains • Syn: crest • Derivationally related forms: crest (for: crest) • Hypernyms: lie • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 2. restrict the number or amount of - We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club • Hypernyms: limit, circumscribe, confine • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something