Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 producing electricity 2 using electricity other fuels FUEL, COAL, GAS, NUCLEAR, OIL
1 producing electricity - a type of energy that provides heat, light, and power to work machines: electricity (noun U) It's a very powerful motor and uses a lot of electricity. ◎ Don't waste electricity! - connected with electricity: electrical an electrical engineer - a place where electricity is produced: power station - a machine that uses fuel or other kinds of energy to produce electricity: generator - to produce electricity: generate sth This new power station will generate enough electricity to meet the needs of much of the south-east of Scotland. - a unit for measuring the power of electricity: watt (abbreviation W) a 40-watt light bulb - a unit for measuring the force of electricity: volt (abbreviation V); the number of volts that sth produces or uses: voltage (noun U) a 9-volt battery - the flow of electricity through a wire: current; a unit for measuring this: amp an electric current ◎ a 13-amp fuse ※ batteries - a device that provides electricity for a radio, torch, car, etc: battery I need a new battery for my watch ◎ a car/radio/torch battery - a car battery that has no more power is flat; a battery for a radio, etc that has no more power is dead I couldn't start the car this morning, because the battery was flat. - a battery which is losing power is running down 'What's wrong with this torch?' 'I think the batteries are running down.' - a battery that you can use again is rechargeable - when a rechargeable battery stops working, you have to recharge it - a thing you use to recharge a battery: (battery) charger
2 using electricity - using electricity: electric an electric light/heater/blanket/cooker - using electricity or connected with electricity: electrical Note: we use electric for specific machines that use electricity an electric shaver/motor; we use electrical in a more general sense electrical equipment ◎ electrical goods. - a device that allows you to turn an appliance on or off: switch - if you want to use sth which is electrical, you put* it on, turn it on, switch it on It's dark in here, can you put the light on, please? ◎ Turn on the radio. - if you want to stop using sth, you turn it off, switch it off Can you switch off the cooker for me, please? ◎ Turn the telly off before you go to bed. - to put off a light: turn sth out, put* sth out She turned out the light/turned the light out. - a hole in a wall where you can connect sth to the electricity supply: socket, power point - a plastic or rubber object with two or three metal pins, that is put into a socket to allow electricity to pass into an appliance: plug - to put sth into a socket: plug sth in; to take sth out of the socket: unplug sth, take* the plug out It's obvious why it's not working; it's not plugged in! ◎ Please unplug the computer when you've finished with it. - a device that allows you to put more than one plug into the same socket or to use different kinds of plug: adaptor - if you have to use equipment far away from a socket, you need an extension lead - wire covered with plastic that carries electricity: wire (noun C/U) - a wire that connects an appliance to its plug: flex - the plastic tube that protects the wire: insulation (noun U) - to connect the flex to a plug: wire a plug - the system of wires in a building: wiring (noun U) - a thin wire or a part of a plug that protects electrical equipment from a voltage that is too high: fuse - when a piece of equipment stops working because a fuse has melted, it fuses, blows* a fuse; to cause a piece of equipment to do this: fuse sth All of a sudden the lights fused and we were plunged into darkness. ◎ I think I must have fused the lights. - the quantity of electricity that you use is measured with a meter - a person who comes to check how much electricity you have used: meter reader - a piece of paper that tells you how much electricity you have used and how much it costs: electricity bill - a company that supplies electricity: electricity company - when the electricity company decides to stop the supply of electricity, they cut* off the electricity - when your house receives no electricity for a short time, there is a power cut, the electricity goes* off - when the electricity returns, it comes* back on 'The light's gone off!' 'I expect there's been a power cut. It'll probably come back on in a little while.' - a person who puts the wiring or electrical appliances into a building or does repairs: electrician ※ MORE ... - a large metal structure that holds the power line: (electricity) pylon - electricity generated by water: hydroelectricity (noun U); adjective: hydroelectric hydroelectric power - a generator which uses the energy of the sun: solar panel - a wire that carries electricity is live Be careful not to touch the live wire! - a wire that makes an appliance safer by connecting it to the ground: earth (AmE ground) - the effect on your body when some electricity goes through it: (electric) shock Don't touch that wire - you'll get a shock. - to be killed by electricity: be electrocuted
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