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see also HAPPEN - the way in which things happen that you did not expect: chance (noun U) It was just chance that we met. ◎ I came across the letter by chance while I was looking for something else. - the way in which good or bad things happen by chance: luck (noun U), (more formal) fortune (noun U) I've had a lot of good/bad luck recently. ◎ Things had been going very badly, but a few months ago his luck changed. ◎ There's no skill in it - it's just a matter of luck. ◎ When we won the first prize, we just couldn't believe our luck. ◎ a change of fortune - the power that some people believe controls everything that happens to you: fate (noun U) I can't make a decision about this - I'll just leave it to fate. - a belief that cannot be explained by reason or science: superstition (noun C/U); a person who believes in superstitions is superstitious He's very superstitious - he never walks under ladders because he believes it's bad luck. - when two or more things happen at the same time by chance, it is (a) coincidence (noun C/U) What a coincidence that you both caught the same train! ※ having good luck - success or good things that happen by chance: (good) luck (noun U), (more formal) good fortune I hope you have some luck this time - you deserve it. ◎ beginner's luck (= luck that you have when you do sth for the first time) I had the good fortune to be standing right next to the person who I most wanted to meet. - to wish sb success: wish sb (good) luck; if you want to wish sb good luck, you can say Good luck! I've got my driving test this afternoon so wish me good luck! ◎ Good luck with your exams! - a person who has luck is lucky, (more formal) fortunate They were lucky to survive. ◎ You've been very fortunate. - to be lucky on a particular occasion: be in luck You're in luck; this is the last one in the shop. - a thing that brings success or good luck is lucky What's your lucky number? - a situation or event that has a good result is lucky (adverb luckily), fortunate (adverb fortunately) They had a lucky escape. ◎ Fortunately, they managed to get out of the boat before it sank. - something good that happens unexpectedly: stroke of luck By a stroke of luck, the bus arrived just as it started to rain. - a lucky thing that happens by accident, not because of skill: fluke It wasn't a fluke - I could do it again. ※ having bad luck - failure or bad things that happen by chance: bad luck (noun U), (more formal) misfortune (noun U) He's had a lot of bad luck recently. - something bad that happens unexpectedly: misfortune, bit of bad luck to suffer a misfortune ◎ She's had a bit of bad luck - her car's been stolen. - not lucky: unlucky, unfortunate (adverb unfortunately) an unlucky person ◎ an unfortunate situation ◎ Unfortunately, the train had already left. - to be unlucky on a particular occasion: be out of luck I'm afraid you're out of luck; we sold the last one yesterday. - to be unfortunate for sb: be bad/hard luck (on sb) It was very hard luck on her that she failed her driving test for a third time. - to show sympathy when sb has had bad luck, you can say Bad luck Bad luck, but never mind - you can always try again. ※ MORE ... - to wish for success or good luck: (informal) keep* your fingers crossed 'I've got a job interview this afternoon.' 'I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.' - something that you say while touching sth made of wood in the superstitious hope of avoiding bad luck: touch wood I've never had anything stolen from me in my life - touch wood. - something which seems unlucky but turns out to be a good thing: a blessing in disguise Losing my job turned out to be a blessing in disguise - I've now been offered a much better one.
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