Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also EYE, SEE
- the thing that people wear to help them see more clearly: glasses (AmE eyeglasses)(noun plural), (formal) spectacles (noun plural), (informal) specs (noun plural) a pair of glasses ◎ Does anyone know where my glasses are? ◎ He can't see a thing without his specs. - a small piece of plastic that fits into your eye to help you see better: contact lens a pair of contact lenses - glasses that you wear in order to protect your eyes from the sun: sunglasses (noun plural), dark glasses (noun plural) - special glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from water, dust, wind, etc: goggles (noun plural) - a small container for keeping your glasses in: (glasses) case - to use glasses: wear* glasses Does she wear glasses? ◎ I need to wear glasses for reading. - to place a pair of glasses on yourself: put* your glasses on; opposite: take* your glasses off I'll need to put my glasses on to see that small print. ◎ He took off his glasses and looked at the audience. - a person whose job is to test eyes and sell glasses: optician - a shop where you can buy glasses and have your eyes tested: optician's I've got an appointment at the optician's this afternoon.