Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 afraid 2 very frightened 3 not afraid see also WORRY
1 afraid - the feeling that you have that sth dangerous, painful, etc might happen: fear (noun C/U) a fear of spiders ◎ We felt that their fears were not justified. ◎ She knew the operation was dangerous but she showed no fear. ◎ I was shaking with fear. - if you feel fear when you see sb/sth or experience sth, you are afraid (not before a noun), frightened, scared Don't be afraid! ◎ You're not afraid of her, are you? ◎ My sister is afraid to ask questions in class. ◎ a frightened animal ◎ I wasn't frightened of being hurt. ◎ When I was a child I was scared of the dark. - to feel fear, particularly of sth important: (rather formal) fear sth Most people fear death. Note: afraid, frightened and scared can be followed by a noun (afraid of injections) or by the '-ing' form of the verb (afraid of flying) or by the 'to' form of the verb (afraid to cross the road). - a sudden feeling of being afraid: fright, scare I got a nasty fright when that dog came running after me. - to make a person or animal frightened: frighten sb/sth, scare sb/sth He really scared me when he started screaming and shouting. - a person or thing that frightens you is frightening, (informal) scary a frightening experience ◎ When I was walking home today I thought I was being followed. It was really scary. ※ often afraid - afraid to talk to people that you do not know: shy (adverb shyly); noun (U): shyness Don't be shy! Just go straight up and ask her. ◎ She smiled shyly at the cameramen. - easily frightened: timid (adverb timidly) - a person who has no courage and is afraid in dangerous or unpleasant situations: coward; adjective: cowardly ※ showing that you are afraid - to make a sudden movement because of surprise or fear: jump The sudden bang made us all jump. - to shout sth suddenly, because of being afraid, surprised, etc: cry out to cry out in fear - to make short quick movements which you cannot control, because of being afraid, cold, etc: shake*, shiver, tremble; a shaking movement: shiver She was shivering with fright. ◎ His hands were trembling. ◎ He gave a shiver of fear. - when the hairs of your skin stand up and cause raised spots because you are afraid or cold, you have goose-flesh, goose-pimples (AmE goose-bumps) - to stop suddenly because of fear: freeze* She froze with terror when she heard the shot.
2 very frightened - very frightened: terrified, frightened/scared to death, (informal) scared stiff I'm terrified of snakes. ◎ a terrified child ◎ She was scared stiff of going into the cellar. - to have a great fear about sth that will happen in the future: dread sth; noun (U): dread He dreaded telling his father the truth. ◎ to live in dread of sth - great fear: terror (noun U) He had a look of terror on his face. - a feeling of great fear or shock: horror (noun U) People watched in horror as the car mounted the pavement. ◎ a horror film/story (= one that entertains people by describing frightening things) - a sudden feeling of fear that makes you do things without thinking carefully about them: panic (noun C/U); to experience panic: panic*; adjectives: panic-stricken, (informal) panicky The noise from the gun made one of the horses panic. ◎ I started feeling a bit panicky just before the performance was due to begin. - to make sb very frightened: terrify sb, frighten the life out of sb Injections terrify me! ◎ You frightened the life out of me when you screamed. - very frightening: terrifying a terrifying scream ◎ He told us a terrifying story. - a situation that frightens you very much makes* your hair stand on end, makes* your blood run cold It made my hair stand on end when they started talking about ghosts. ◎ Hearing them say my name made my blood run cold.
3 not afraid - not afraid: unafraid, fearless (adverb fearlessly) - showing no fear: brave (adverb bravely), courageous (adverb courageously); nouns (U): bravery, courage ※ more on being brave BRAVE - to make sb feel less worried, nervous or frightened: reassure sb; the help that you give when you do this: reassurance (noun U); a thing or person that gives reassurance is reassuring (adverb reassuringly) She gave him a reassuring smile. ※ MORE ... - a feeling of being afraid or nervous in front of an audience: stage fright (noun U) to suffer from stage fright - a nervous feeling in your stomach before you do sth: (informal) butterflies (in your stomach) All actors get butterflies from time to time.
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