Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ENVIRONMENT, ANIMAL, PLANT - everything in the world that was not made by people (the land, the sea, the plants, animals, etc): nature (noun U) the wonders of nature ◎ If we destroy too many forests, we will destroy the balance of nature. - connected with things that were not made by people: natural; opposites: artificial, man-made the natural world ◎ the exploitation of the world's natural resources ◎ I don't like zoos - animals should be allowed to live in their natural surroundings. ◎ artificial flowers ◎ man-made materials such as polyester - the natural surroundings where plants, animals and people live: the environment (noun singular) Nowadays people are more aware of the need to protect the environment. - the natural place where a particular type of animal or plant lives: habitat to study animals in their natural habitat. - the relationship between living things and their natural surroundings: ecology (noun U); adjective: ecological an ecological disaster caused by an oil spill - when an animal or plant lives in its natural surroundings, it is wild wild animals - wild animals, birds, etc: wildlife (noun U) Did you see that wildlife programme on TV last night? - any place that is far from towns and cities, and where animals, birds, etc live in their natural surroundings: the wild (noun singular) There are very few tigers still living in the wild. - the natural force that makes a person or animal do sth without having to learn to do it: instinct (noun U/C); adjective: instinctive Migrating birds know where to fly by instinct. ◎ an instinct to run away from danger ◎ instinctive behaviour - the slow development of animals and plants over millions of years: evolution (noun U); verb: evolve; adjective: evolutionary the theory of evolution ◎ Plants and animals evolved over millions of years. ◎ evolutionary processes - when a type of animal or plant dies out and does not exist any more, it becomes extinct; noun (U): extinction Dinosaurs are extinct. ◎ Many species of animals are in danger of extinction. - a type of animal or plant that is in danger of becoming extinct is an endangered species ※ studying nature - the study of plants and animals: natural history (noun U) the Natural History Museum - a person who studies animals and plants: naturalist - the study of the relationship between living things and their surroundings: ecology (noun U) - a person who studies ecology: ecologist ※ the scientific study of living things SCIENCE
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