see also BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, WORK - a room or building used as a place where written work is done, especially connected with business and administration: office - a large building which contains just offices: office block - work that is done in an office is office work (noun U), clerical work (noun U) - the hours during which business is normally done in an office: office hours (noun plural) I usually phone her during/outside office hours. ※ people in offices - a person who works in an office: office worker, clerical worker - the group of people who work in an office: office staff (noun U) - a person who is in charge of an office and tells the other people what to do: boss, office manager - a person in an office who makes appointments, answers the telephone, writes letters, etc: secretary; adjective: secretarial secretarial staff ◎ secretarial skills - a secretary who works especially for a senior person in an office, helping to organize their work: personal assistant - a person whose job it is to keep records, accounts, etc in a bank, shop, etc: clerk a bank clerk - a person whose job is to receive clients and to direct them to the right room, office, etc: receptionist - a person whose job is to connect people through the telephone: telephonist, switchboard operator ※ more on using the telephone TELEPHONE ※ writing letters, etc and doing paper work - a kind of table used for writing letters, etc and for doing other office work: desk - a machine used for writing letters, etc: typewriter - an electronic machine that can store and arrange information, make calculations and control other machinery: computer - a kind of small computer used for writing: word processor - a person in an office who writes letters, etc using a machine: typist - a person who enters information into a computer: keyboarder - to write sth using a typewriter or word processor: type (sth) Could you type this letter for me, please? - letters, etc that have to be typed: typing (noun U) My boss came in and said he had a lot of typing for me. - to say or read aloud a letter, a message, etc, while sb else writes it down: dictate sth to dictate a letter to a secretary ※ more on writing WRITE - computers COMPUTER - an informal written message to sb in another office or department of the same company or organization: memo, (formal) memorandum - a written description of sth that has been done: report I'm typing a report on last week's meeting. - A description of what is said at a meeting: minutes (noun plural) ※ writing and sending letters and other written messages LETTER - all the written work done in an office: paperwork (noun U) - a tray on the desk in which letters, memos, etc that have come into the office are put: in-tray Did you see the note I put in your in-tray? - a machine which you use to make copies of papers: photocopier - to copy papers with a photocopier: photocopy sth - papers which have to be photocopied: photocopying (noun U) Do you have a lot of photocopying to do? - a copy of a paper made with a photocopier: photocopy Could I have two photocopies of this, please? ※ more on copying papers COPY - more on looking after papers PAPER