1. elude, especially in a baffling way (Freq. 12) - This behavior defies explanation • Syn: defy, refuse • Ant: lend oneself (for: defy) • Hypernyms: elude, escape • Hyponyms: beggar • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 2. stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something (Freq. 11) • Syn: hold out, withstand, stand firm • Ant: surrender • Derivationally related forms: withstander (for: withstand), holdout (for: hold out), resistive, resistant, resistance • Hypernyms: fight, oppose, fight back, fight down, defend • Hyponyms: stand out, stand up, outbrave, hold off, stand, remain firm, defy, withstand, hold, hold up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 3. express opposition through action or words (Freq. 2) - dissent to the laws of the country • Syn: protest, dissent • Derivationally related forms: dissentient (for: dissent), dissent (for: dissent), dissenter (for: dissent), resistive, resistant, protestant (for: protest), protest (for: protest), protester (for: protest) • Hypernyms: oppose, controvert, contradict • Hyponyms: strike, walk out, demonstrate, march, rebel, arise, rise, rise up, renegade • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 4. withstand the force of something (Freq. 1) - The trees resisted her - stand the test of time - The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow • Syn: stand, fend • Derivationally related forms: fender (for: fend), stand (for: stand), resistant • Hypernyms: fight, oppose, fight back, fight down, defend • Verb Group: stand, remain firm • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 5. refuse to comply • Syn: balk, baulk, jib • Derivationally related forms: baulker (for: baulk), balker (for: balk), resistive, resistant, resister, resistance • Hypernyms: disobey • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP - They resist moving 6. resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ - His body rejected the liver of the donor • Syn: reject, refuse • Derivationally related forms: resistant • Hypernyms: react, respond • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something