Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation (Freq. 108) - his state is in the deep south • Syn: province • Derivationally related forms: provincial (for: province) • Hypernyms: administrative district, administrative division, territorial division • Hyponyms: commonwealth, eparchy, American state, Italian region, Canadian province, Australian state, Soviet Socialist Republic • Instance Hyponyms: Guangdong, Kwangtung, Guangdong province, Gansu, Kansu, Gansu province, Hebei, Hopei, Hopeh, Hebei province, Hunan, Hunan province, Szechwan, Sichuan, Szechuan, Szechwan province, Yunnan, Yunnan province, Xinjiang, Sinkiang, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia, Nei Monggol, Yucatan, Campeche, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Kosovo, Bosnia, Tyrol, Tirol, Assam, Karnataka, Mysore, Manipur, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Gujerat, Tamil Nadu, Madras, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Indonesian Borneo, Kalimantan, Friesland, Free State, Orange Free State, Transvaal, Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope Province, Cape Colony, Cape of Good Hope, Abkhaz, Abkhazia, Adzhar, Adzharia, Buganda • Member Holonyms: country, land 2. the way something is with respect to its main attributes (Freq. 39) - the current state of knowledge - his state of health - in a weak financial state • Hypernyms: attribute • Hyponyms: feeling, skillfulness, cleavage, medium, ornamentation, condition, status, conditionality, ground state, nationhood, situation, state of affairs, relationship, tribalism, utopia, dystopia, wild, natural state, state of nature, isomerism, degree, level, stage, point, office, power, position, being, beingness, existence, nonbeing, death, employment, employ, unemployment, order, disorder, hostility, enmity, antagonism, conflict, illumination, freedom, representation, delegacy, agency, dependence, dependance, dependency, motion, motionlessness, stillness, lifelessness, dead letter, non-issue, action, activity, activeness, inaction, inactivity, inactiveness, temporary state, imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency, forthcomingness, readiness, preparedness, preparation, flux, state of flux, kalemia, enlargement, separation, union, unification, maturity, matureness, immaturity, immatureness, grace, saving grace, state of grace, damnation, eternal damnation, omniscience, omnipotence, perfection, flawlessness, ne plus ultra, integrity, unity, wholeness, imperfection, imperfectness, receivership, ownership, obligation, end, destruction, revocation, annulment, merchantability, turgor, homozygosity, heterozygosity, neotony, plurality, polyvalence, polyvalency, multivalence, multivalency, paternity, utilization 3. the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state (Freq. 24) - the state has lowered its income tax • Hypernyms: government, authorities, regime • Hyponyms: Soviets, welfare state 4. a politically organized body of people under a single government (Freq. 21) - the state has elected a new president - African nations - students who had come to the nation's capitol - the country's largest manufacturer - an industrialized land • Syn: nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body politic • Hypernyms: political unit, political entity • Hyponyms: commonwealth country, developing country, Dominion, foreign country, Reich, rogue state, renegade state, rogue nation, suzerain, sea power, world power, world power, great power, power, superpower, city state, city-state, ally • Instance Hyponyms: Eelam, Tamil Eelam • Part Meronyms: estate of the realm, estate, the three estates 5. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container) - the solid state of water is called ice • Syn: state of matter • Topics: chemistry, chemical science • Hypernyms: chemical phenomenon • Hyponyms: phase, form, liquid, liquidness, liquidity, liquidity, solid, solidness, solid state, gas, gaseous state, plasma • Attrubites: solid, liquid, gaseous 6. a state of depression or agitation - he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him • Usage Domain: colloquialism • Hypernyms: emotional state, spirit 7. the territory occupied by a nation - he returned to the land of his birth - he visited several European countries • Syn: country, land • Hypernyms: administrative district, administrative division, territorial division • Hyponyms: banana republic, fatherland, homeland, motherland, mother country, country of origin, native land, buffer state, buffer country, kingdom, tax haven, European country, European nation, African country, African nation, Asian country, Asian nation, South American country, South American nation, North American country, North American nation, sultanate • Instance Hyponyms: Antigua and Barbuda, Cape Verde, Republic of Cape Verde, Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Ceylon, Comoros, Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros, Cuba, Republic of Cuba, Haiti, Republic of Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus, Dominica, Commonwealth of Dominica, East Timor, Fiji, Republic of Fiji, Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion, Etruria, Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia, TT, Marshall Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Republic of Kiribati, Nauru, Republic of Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Bahama Islands, Burkina Faso, Upper Volta, Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Dutch East Indies, Grenada, Maldives, Republic of Maldives, Malta, Republic of Malta, Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius, New Zealand, Palau, Republic of Palau, Philippines, Republic of the Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Christopher-Nevis, St. Christopher-Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Independent State of Samoa, Western Samoa, Samoa i Sisifo, Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome e Principe, Sao Thome e Principe, St. Thomas and Principe, Seychelles, Republic of Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Rus, Soviet Union, Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Ukrayina, Turkmenistan, Turkomen, Turkmen, Turkmenia, Tonga, Kingdom of Tonga, Friendly Islands, Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu, New Hebrides • Member Meronyms: department, province • Part Meronyms: domain, demesne, land, midland
1. express in words (Freq. 73) - He said that he wanted to marry her - tell me what is bothering you - state your opinion - state your name • Syn: say, tell • Derivationally related forms: teller (for: tell), telling (for: tell), say (for: say), statement • Hypernyms: express, verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue to • Hyponyms: present, represent, lay out, misstate, answer, reply, respond, precede, preface, premise, introduce, announce, declare, articulate, enunciate, vocalize, vocalise, get out, note, observe, mention, remark, add, append, supply, explain, give, summarize, summarise, sum, sum up • Verb Group: say • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - They state that there was a traffic accident 2. put before (Freq. 15) - I submit to you that the accused is guilty • Syn: submit, put forward, posit • Derivationally related forms: statement, submission (for: submit) • Hypernyms: propose, suggest, advise • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something to somebody 3. indicate through a symbol, formula, etc. (Freq. 2) - Can you express this distance in kilometers? • Syn: express • Derivationally related forms: expressible (for: express) • Hypernyms: denote, refer • Hyponyms: vote • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP
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