Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also CRIME, DECEIVE - to take sth that belongs to sb else secretly and without permission: steal* sth (from sb/sth), (informal) nick sth (from sb/sth), (informal) pinch sth (from sb/sth); noun (C/U): theft My car was stolen last night. ◎ Who's pinched my cigarettes? ◎ an increase in theft in this neighbourhood ◎ People are alarmed at the number of thefts. - a person who steals: thief (plural thieves) - to go away quickly after stealing sth: make* off with sth, run* off with sth Thieves made off with ※£60 000 worth of jewellery. - to enter a building secretly and illegally in order to steal sth from it: burgle sb/sth (AmE burglarize sb/sth); noun (C/U): burglary We've been burgled five times in the last six months! ◎ to commit a burglary - a person who commits a burglary: burglar I heard a sound in the middle of the night and I thought it was burglars. - to enter a building in order to commit a burglary: break* into sth; noun: break-in There was a break-in next door to us only last week, but nothing was taken. - the crime of stealing sth from a shop while pretending to be a customer: shoplifting (noun U) - a person who steals from shops: shoplifter - to attack a person or a building in order to steal sth, usually money, from them: rob sb/sth (of sth); noun (C/U): robbery A gang of five men robbed the bank. ◎ I was robbed of my handbag in the middle of the street. ◎ armed robbery - a person who robs sb: robber a bank robber ◎ an armed robber - to rob sth using a gun, etc: hold* sth up; noun: hold-up Four masked men held up a bank in Norwich this morning. - to attack sth in order to steal from it: raid sth; noun: raid (on sth) a bank raid - to steal things during a period of fighting: loot (sth) The riots were followed by looting. - to attack and rob sb in the street: mug sb; noun(C/U): mugging fear of being mugged - a person who mugs sb: mugger - to steal from sb's pocket or bag in a public place: pick sb's pocket - a person who picks people's pockets: pickpocket - to drive or ride in a stolen car for fun: joyride; noun (U): joyriding - a person who does this: joyrider - to stop a lorry, train, etc in order to steal goods from it: hijack sth; noun (C/U): hijacking - a person who carries out a hijacking: hijacker - to catch or shoot birds, animals or fish on sb else's land without permission: poach (sth); noun (U): poaching - a person who poaches: poacher - an armed robber, usually in a wild place: bandit Our bus was hijacked by bandits as we drove through the jungle. - a person who attacks and robs ships at sea: pirate - a piece of equipment that makes a loud noise if a thief enters a building: burglar alarm
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