1. a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger building (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: structure, construction • Hyponyms: barbican, barbacan, beacon, lighthouse, beacon light, pharos, bell tower, church tower, clock tower, control tower, high-rise, tower block, minaret, mooring tower, mooring mast, pylon, power pylon, power pylon, silo, steeple, spire, supporting tower, turret, watchtower • Instance Hyponyms: CN Tower, Eiffel Tower, Space Needle 2. anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower (Freq. 1) - the test tube held a column of white powder - a tower of dust rose above the horizon - a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite • Syn: column, pillar • Derivationally related forms: columnar (for: column) • Hypernyms: shape, form • Hyponyms: columella, hoodoo 3. a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger ships • Syn: tugboat, tug, towboat • Derivationally related forms: tow, tug (for: tug) • Hypernyms: boat • Part Meronyms: helm
appear very large or occupy a commanding position (Freq. 2) - The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain - Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall • Syn: loom, predominate, hulk • Derivationally related forms: hulk (for: hulk), predomination (for: predominate) • Hypernyms: rise, lift, rear • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP