Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 enough 2 more than enough 2 not enough see also HOW MUCH/MANY
1 enough - as much or as many as is necessary: enough (of) ※¦, (formal) adequate, (formal) sufficient Have we got enough people? ◎ I'm afraid that not enough of the children are really interested. ◎ Will that be enough or do you need some more? ◎ an adequate amount of food ◎ sufficient resources - to the necessary degree: enough, (formal) sufficiently The rope isn't strong enough. ◎ You can't do it because you haven't practised enough. ◎ I hope they're sufficiently well-equipped to do this. - to be enough for sb/sth: satisfy sb/sth We haven't got enough goods to satisfy demand. - to be enough for everyone to have some: go* round Is there enough food to go round? - not very much, but enough: reasonable It's a reasonable salary but I was expecting to get more. ◎ a reasonable amount of room to work in - only just enough; minimum or basic: bare We just took the bare essentials so we didn't have too much to carry. ◎ the bare minimum ※ having enough money - to have enough and no more to live: get* by (on sth) I don't earn very much but we get by. ◎ I can't get by on ※£30 a week (= ※£30 a week is not enough money for me to live). - if you have enough money for sth, you can afford sth/to do sth I wish I could afford a holiday in Bermuda! ◎ We can't afford to buy her a piano.
2 more than enough - enough or more than enough: plenty (of ※¦), ample, (formal) abundant We've got plenty of time before the train goes. ◎ Another three chairs should be plenty. ◎ 'How much will I need?' '※£50 should be ample.' ◎ an abundant supply of food - more than you need; more than is reasonable: too much/many, excessive You eat too much. ◎ We have too many dentists and not enough doctors. ◎ He drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. - an amount of sth that is more than you need: surplus (noun C/U), excess (noun singular) a surplus of coffee on the world market ◎ a wine surplus
3 not enough - not enough: (formal) inadequate (adverb inadequately), (formal) insufficient (adverb insufficiently) inadequate pay ◎ The amount of food was completely inadequate for a growing child. ◎ We were given insufficient time to discuss the matter. - if you do not have enough of sth, you are short (of sth), lacking in sth We're a bit short of milk, you'd better get some on the way home. ◎ He's a nice person but he's rather lacking in conversation. - if you have too little of sth, you lack sth; noun: lack It's quite a good essay but it lacks detail. ◎ a lack of enthusiasm - sth which does not exist in large enough quantities or which is difficult to find is scarce - a situation in which sth is scarce: scarcity (noun C/U), shortage Food was scarce during the war. ◎ a scarcity of clean water ◎ a petrol shortage - if sb/sth does not have enough of sth that should be there (particularly for their health), they are deficient (in sth); noun (C/U): deficiency Their diet is deficient in calcium and iron. ◎ a vitamin deficiency
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