Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
| [ngạch] | | | Threshold (of a door). | | | Scale (of taxes...). | | | Ngạch thuế hải quan | | A scale of custom duties. | | | Ngạch công chức | | A scale of different ranks and grades of civil servants, a personnel classifacation scale. | | | Ngạch lương | | A scale of salaries, a scale of wages. | | | list, roll, of regular employees, payroll of status employees | | | giáo viên chính ngạch | | teacher on the staff |
Threshold (of a door) Scale (of taxes...) Ngạch thuế hải quan A scale of custom duties Ngạch công chức A scale of different ranks and grades of civil servants, a personnel classifacation scale Ngạch lương A scale of salaries, a scale of wages