1. a level tract of land (Freq. 2) - the salt flats of Utah • Hypernyms: plain, field, champaign • Hyponyms: alluvial flat, alluvial plain, salt flat, salt plain 2. a shallow box in which seedlings are started (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: box 3. a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named • Hypernyms: musical notation • Hyponyms: double flat 4. freight car without permanent sides or roof • Syn: flatcar, flatbed • Hypernyms: freight car 5. a deflated pneumatic tire • Syn: flat tire • Hypernyms: pneumatic tire, pneumatic tyre 6. scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting • Hypernyms: scenery, scene • Hyponyms: coulisse, wing flat, tormenter, tormentor, teaser • Part Holonyms: mise en scene, stage setting, setting 7. a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house • Syn: apartment • Derivationally related forms: flatlet • Hypernyms: housing, lodging, living accommodations • Hyponyms: bedsitting room, bedsitter, bedsit, cold-water flat, duplex apartment, duplex, efficiency apartment, flatlet, maisonette, maisonnette, penthouse, penthouse, studio apartment, studio, suite, rooms, walk-up apartment, walk-up • Part Holonyms: apartment building, apartment house • Part Meronyms: kitchenette
1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another (Freq. 11) - a flat desk - acres of level farmland - a plane surface - skirts sewn with fine flat seams • Syn: level, plane • Similar to: even • Derivationally related forms: plane (for: plane), planeness (for: plane), flatness 2. having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness (Freq. 5) - flat computer monitors • Similar to: planar, two-dimensional • Derivationally related forms: flatness 3. not modified or restricted by reservations (Freq. 2) - a categorical denial - a flat refusal • Syn: categoric, categorical, unconditional • Similar to: unqualified 4. stretched out and lying at full length along the ground (Freq. 2) - found himself lying flat on the floor • Syn: prostrate • Similar to: unerect 5. lacking contrast or shading between tones (Freq. 1) • Ant: contrasty • Derivationally related forms: flatness • Topics: photography, picture taking 6. (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone - B flat • Ant: natural, sharp • Topics: music 7. having lost effervescence - flat beer - a flat cola • Similar to: noneffervescent 8. sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch - the owl's faint monotonous hooting • Syn: monotone, monotonic, monotonous • Similar to: unmodulated • Derivationally related forms: monotone (for: monotonic), monotone (for: monotone), flatness 9. horizontally level - a flat roof • Similar to: horizontal 10. lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth - a film with two-dimensional characters - a flat two-dimensional painting • Syn: two-dimensional, 2-dimensional • Similar to: multidimensional • Derivationally related forms: flatness 11. flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes) • Syn: compressed • Similar to: thin • Derivationally related forms: flatness • Topics: biology, biological science 12. lacking taste or flavor or tang - a bland diet - insipid hospital food - flavorless supermarket tomatoes - vapid beer - vapid tea • Syn: bland, flavorless, flavourless, insipid, savorless, savourless, vapid • Similar to: tasteless • Derivationally related forms: savourlessness (for: savourless), savorlessness (for: savorless), insipidness (for: insipid), insipidity (for: insipid), flavourlessness (for: flavourless), flavorlessness (for: flavorless), flatness, blandness (for: bland) 13. lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting - a bland little drama - a flat joke • Syn: bland • Similar to: unstimulating, unexciting • Derivationally related forms: flatness 14. not reflecting light; not glossy - flat wall paint - a photograph with a matte finish • Syn: mat, matt, matte, matted • Similar to: dull • Derivationally related forms: matte (for: matte), matt (for: matt), flatness 15. commercially inactive - flat sales for the month - prices remained flat - a flat market • Similar to: inactive
1. with flat sails - sail flat against the wind 2. in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly - he didn't answer directly - told me straight out - came out flat for less work and more pay • Syn: directly, straight • Ant: indirectly (for: directly) • Derived from adjective: direct (for: directly)