a garment size for a large person • Hypernyms: size
1. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent (Freq. 139) - a large city - set out for the big city - a large sum - a big (or large) barn - a large family - big businesses - a big expenditure - a large number of newspapers - a big group of scientists - large areas of the world • Syn: big • Ant: little (for: big), small • Similar to: ample, sizable, sizeable, astronomic, astronomical, galactic, bear-sized, bigger, larger, biggish, largish, blown-up, enlarged, bouffant, puffy, broad, spacious, wide, bulky, capacious, colossal, prodigious, stupendous, deep, double, enormous, tremendous, cosmic, elephantine, gargantuan, giant, jumbo, epic, heroic, larger-than-life, extensive, extended, gigantic, mammoth, great, grand, huge, immense, vast, Brobdingnagian, hulking, hulky, humongous, banging, thumping, whopping, walloping, king-size, king-sized, large-mouthed, large-scale, life-size, lifesize, life-sized, full-size, macroscopic, macroscopical, macro, man-sized, massive, monolithic, monumental, medium-large, monstrous, mountainous, outsize, outsized, oversize, oversized, overlarge, too large, plumping, queen-size, queen-sized, rangy, super, titanic, volumed, voluminous, whacking, wide-ranging • Derivationally related forms: bigness (for: big), largeness • Attrubites: size 2. fairly large or important in effect; influential (Freq. 2) - played a large role in the negotiations • Similar to: significant, important • Derivationally related forms: largeness 3. conspicuous in position or importance - a big figure in the movement - big man on campus - he's very large in financial circles - a prominent citizen • Syn: big, prominent • Similar to: conspicuous • Derivationally related forms: prominence (for: prominent) 4. generous and understanding and tolerant - a heart big enough to hold no grudges - that's very big of you to be so forgiving - a large and generous spirit - a large heart - magnanimous toward his enemies • Syn: big, magnanimous • Similar to: generous • Derivationally related forms: magnanimousness (for: magnanimous), magnanimity (for: magnanimous) 5. ostentatiously lofty in style - a man given to large talk - tumid political prose • Syn: bombastic, declamatory, orotund, tumid, turgid • Similar to: rhetorical • Derivationally related forms: turgidness (for: turgid), turgidity (for: turgid), largeness, bombast (for: bombastic) 6. having broad power and range and scope - taking the large view - a large effect - a large sympathy • Similar to: comprehensive • Derivationally related forms: largeness 7. in an advanced stage of pregnancy - was big with child - was great with child • Syn: big, enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, heavy, with child • Similar to: pregnant • Derivationally related forms: largeness, gravidness (for: gravid), gravidity (for: gravid), expect (for: expectant)
1. at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark) 2. with the wind abaft the beam - a ship sailing large 3. in a boastful manner - he talked big all evening • Syn: boastfully, vauntingly, big • Derived from adjective: boastful (for: boastfully)