1. the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees (Freq. 2) • Syn: due north, northward, N • Hypernyms: cardinal compass point 2. a location in the northern part of a country, region, or city (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: location • Attrubites: northern 3. the direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass point • Hypernyms: direction 4. the direction in which a compass needle points • Syn: magnetic north, compass north • Hypernyms: direction
situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north (Freq. 7) - artists like north light - the north portico • Ant: south • Similar to: northbound, northward, north-central, northerly, northern, northernmost, northmost, northeastern, northeasterly, northeast, northeastward, northwestern, northwesterly, northwest, northwestward
in a northern direction (Freq. 11) - they earn more up north - Let's go north! • Syn: northerly, northwards, northward • Derived from adjective: northerly (for: northerly)