1. a set of two similar things considered as a unit (Freq. 18) • Syn: brace • Hypernyms: set • Hyponyms: Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Tweedledee and Tweedledum 2. two items of the same kind (Freq. 10) • Syn: couple, twosome, twain, brace, span, span, couplet, distich, duo, duet, dyad, duad • Derivationally related forms: couple (for: couple) • Hypernyms: two, 2, II, deuce • Hyponyms: doubleton • Part Meronyms: mate, fellow 3. two people considered as a unit (Freq. 7) • Hypernyms: gathering, assemblage • Hyponyms: couple, twosome, duo, duet, yoke 4. a poker hand with 2 cards of the same value • Hypernyms: poker hand
1. form a pair or pairs (Freq. 3) - The two old friends paired off • Syn: pair off, partner off, couple • Derivationally related forms: couple (for: couple), pairing • Hypernyms: unite, unify • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 2. bring two objects, ideas, or people together (Freq. 2) - This fact is coupled to the other one - Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man? - The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project • Syn: match, mate, couple, twin • Derivationally related forms: couple (for: couple), coupling (for: couple), mate (for: mate), match (for: match) • Hypernyms: join, bring together • Hyponyms: mismate, mismatch • Verb Group: match • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 3. engage in sexual intercourse - Birds mate in the Spring • Syn: copulate, mate, couple • Derivationally related forms: couple (for: couple), coupling (for: couple), pairing, mate (for: mate), mating (for: mate), copulatory (for: copulate), copulation (for: copulate) • Hypernyms: join, conjoin • Hyponyms: nick, sleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk, tread, serve, service, deflower, ruin, ride, mount, breed, cover, sodomize, sodomise, bugger • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 4. occur in pairs • Syn: geminate • Hypernyms: occur • Verb Group: geminate • Verb Frames: - Something ----s 5. arrange in pairs - Pair these numbers • Syn: geminate • Hypernyms: arrange, set up • Verb Group: geminate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something