1. a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical) (Freq. 43) - he always turns first to the business section - the history of this work is discussed in the next section • Syn: subdivision • Topics: music • Hypernyms: writing, written material, piece of writing, music • Hyponyms: lead, lead-in, lede, canto, above, sports section, article, clause, book, chapter, episode, spot, insert, introduction, narration, conclusion, end, close, closing, ending, passage, mezuzah, mezuza, sura, exposition, obbligato, obligato, recapitulation, development 2. a very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope (Freq. 31) - sections from the left ventricle showed diseased tissue • Hypernyms: slice • Part Holonyms: slide, microscope slide 3. a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people (Freq. 11) - no section of the nation is more ardent than the South - there are three synagogues in the Jewish section • Hypernyms: area, country • Hyponyms: outskirts, vicinity, locality, neighborhood, neighbourhood, neck of the woods • Instance Hyponyms: Forbidden City 4. one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object (Freq. 10) - a section of a fishing rod - metal sections were used below ground - finished the final segment of the road • Syn: segment • Derivationally related forms: segment (for: segment) • Hypernyms: part, portion • Hyponyms: bend, curve, dado, leaf, length, straightaway, straight, subsection, subdivision • Part Holonyms: whole, unit 5. a small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: team, squad • Part Holonyms: platoon 6. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole (Freq. 1) - the written part of the exam - the finance section of the company - the BBC's engineering division • Syn: part, division • Derivationally related forms: divisional (for: division) • Hypernyms: concept, conception, construct • Hyponyms: frame, beginning, middle, end, high point, component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient, chukker, chukka, inning, game, turn, bout, round, round, second period, final period, half, period, quarter, over • Part Holonyms: whole 7. a land unit equal to 1 square mile • Hypernyms: square mile 8. a division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class • Hypernyms: musical organization, musical organisation, musical group • Hyponyms: brass section, brass, string section, strings, percussion section, percussion, rhythm section, reed section • Part Holonyms: orchestra, band 9. a small army unit usually having a special function • Hypernyms: army unit 10. a specialized division of a large organization - you'll find it in the hardware department - she got a job in the historical section of the Treasury • Syn: department • Derivationally related forms: departmental (for: department) • Hypernyms: division • Hyponyms: academic department, business department, personnel department, personnel office, personnel, staff office, government department, payroll, payroll department, security, security department 11. (geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid • Syn: plane section • Topics: geometry • Hypernyms: area, expanse, surface area • Hyponyms: cross section 12. the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation) • Syn: incision, surgical incision • Derivationally related forms: incisive (for: incision), incise (for: incision) • Hypernyms: cut, cutting • Hyponyms: gastromy, perineotomy, laparotomy, orchotomy, sclerotomy, nephrotomy, thoracotomy, valvotomy, valvulotomy, venesection, phlebotomy, vasotomy, vasosection • Part Holonyms: operation, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process 13. a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately - a graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course • Syn: discussion section • Hypernyms: class, form, grade, course 14. a segment of a citrus fruit - he ate a section of the orange • Hypernyms: segment • Part Holonyms: citrus, citrus fruit, citrous fruit
divide into segments - segment an orange - segment a compound word • Syn: segment • Derivationally related forms: segment (for: segment), segmentation (for: segment) • Hypernyms: separate, divide, part • Hyponyms: syllabify, syllabicate, syllabize, syllabise, quarter • Verb Group: segment • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something