1. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience (Freq. 16) - he listened to an address on minor Roman poets • Syn: address • Derivationally related forms: speak, speechify, address (for: address) • Hypernyms: speech act • Hyponyms: allocution, colloquium, dithyramb, impromptu, inaugural address, inaugural, lecture, public lecture, talk, litany, oratory, oratory, speechmaking, speaking, oral presentation, sermon, discourse, preaching • Instance Hyponyms: Gettysburg Address • Part Meronyms: body, introduction, conclusion, end, close, closing, ending 2. (language) communication by word of mouth (Freq. 7) - his speech was garbled - he uttered harsh language - he recorded the spoken language of the streets • Syn: speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, language, voice communication, oral communication • Topics: language, linguistic communication • Hypernyms: auditory communication • Hyponyms: words, pronunciation, orthoepy, conversation, discussion, give-and-take, word, saying, expression, locution, non-standard speech, idiolect, monologue, spell, magic spell, magical spell, charm, dictation, soliloquy 3. something spoken (Freq. 4) - he could hear them uttering merry speeches • Derivationally related forms: speak • Hypernyms: utterance, vocalization 4. the exchange of spoken words (Freq. 1) - they were perfectly comfortable together without speech • Derivationally related forms: speak • Hypernyms: speaking, speech production 5. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally (Freq. 1) - his manner of speaking was quite abrupt - her speech was barren of southernisms - I detected a slight accent in his speech • Syn: manner of speaking, delivery • Derivationally related forms: deliver (for: delivery) • Hypernyms: expressive style, style • Hyponyms: address, catch, tongue, shibboleth, tone, tone of voice, elocution, prosody, inflection, modulation • Part Holonyms: paralanguage, paralinguistic communication 6. a lengthy rebuke (Freq. 1) - a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline - the teacher gave him a talking to • Syn: lecture, talking to • Derivationally related forms: speechify, lecture (for: lecture) • Hypernyms: rebuke, reproof, reproval, reprehension, reprimand • Hyponyms: sermon, preaching, curtain lecture 7. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication - language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals • Syn: language • Derivationally related forms: speak • Members of this Topic: verbalize, verbalise • Hypernyms: faculty, mental faculty, module • Part Meronyms: lexis, vocabulary, lexicon, mental lexicon 8. words making up the dialogue of a play - the actor forgot his speech • Syn: actor's line, words • Hypernyms: line • Hyponyms: aside, cue, monologue, soliloquy, throwaway • Part Holonyms: dialogue, dialog