a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain (Freq. 2) • Syn: aching • Derivationally related forms: ache (for: aching), achy • Hypernyms: pain, hurting • Hyponyms: toothache, odontalgia, backache, headache, head ache, head ache, stomachache, stomach ache, bellyache, gastralgia, earache, otalgia
1. feel physical pain (Freq. 3) - Were you hurting after the accident? • Syn: hurt, suffer • Derivationally related forms: sufferer (for: suffer), suffering (for: suffer), aching, hurt (for: hurt), hurting (for: hurt) • Hypernyms: perceive, comprehend • Hyponyms: catch, get, twinge, prick, sting, kill • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Sam and Sue ache 2. have a desire for something or someone who is not present (Freq. 3) - She ached for a cigarette - I am pining for my lover • Syn: yearn, yen, pine, languish • Derivationally related forms: pining (for: pine), yen (for: yen), yearner (for: yearn), yearning (for: yearn) • Hypernyms: hanker, long, yearn • Hyponyms: die • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 3. be the source of pain (Freq. 2) • Syn: smart, hurt • Derivationally related forms: hurt (for: hurt), hurting (for: hurt), smarting (for: smart), smart (for: smart), aching • Hypernyms: cause to be perceived • Hyponyms: bite, sting, burn, itch, hunger, thirst, act up, throb, shoot • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody's (body part) ----s - Did his feet ache?