1. a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired (Freq. 11) • Hypernyms: soil, dirt • Hyponyms: adobe, argil, china clay, china stone, kaolin, kaoline, porcelain clay, terra alba, red clay, pipeclay, bentonite, fireclay, Kitty Litter, potter's clay, potter's earth, daub • Substance Holonyms: brick, tile, roofing tile, pottery, clayware • Substance Meronyms: silicon, Si, atomic number 14 2. water soaked soil; soft wet earth • Syn: mud • Derivationally related forms: muddy (for: mud), mud (for: mud) • Hypernyms: soil, dirt • Hyponyms: bleaching clay, bleaching earth, mud pie, slop, mire 3. the dead body of a human being - the cadaver was intended for dissection - the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse - the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river - honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay • Syn: cadaver, corpse, stiff, remains • Derivationally related forms: cadaverous (for: cadaver), cadaveric (for: cadaver) • Usage Domain: slang (for: stiff) • Hypernyms: body, dead body • Hyponyms: cremains