abstaining from food (Freq. 1) • Syn: fasting • Derivationally related forms: fast (for: fasting) • Hypernyms: abstinence • Hyponyms: diet, dieting, hunger strike, Ramadan
1. abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons - Catholics sometimes fast during Lent • Derivationally related forms: fasting • Hypernyms: abstain, refrain, desist • Hyponyms: diet • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 2. abstain from eating - Before the medical exam, you must fast • Derivationally related forms: fasting • Hypernyms: abstain, refrain, desist • Hyponyms: diet • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s
1. acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly (Freq. 18) - fast film - on the fast track in school - set a fast pace - a fast car • Ant: slow • Similar to: accelerated, alacritous, blistering, hot, red-hot, double-quick, express, fast-breaking, fast-paced, fleet, swift, high-speed, high-velocity, hurrying, scurrying, immediate, prompt, quick, straightaway, instantaneous, instant, meteoric, speedy, rapid, smart, winged, windy • See Also: hurried, sudden • Derivationally related forms: fastness • Attrubites: speed, swiftness, fastness 2. (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time - my watch is fast • Ant: slow 3. at a rapid tempo - the band played a fast fox trot • Ant: slow • Similar to: allegro, allegretto, andantino, presto, prestissimo, vivace • Derivationally related forms: fastness • Topics: music 4. (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds - a fast road - grass courts are faster than clay • Similar to: smooth 5. resistant to destruction or fading - fast colors • Similar to: impervious, imperviable 6. unrestrained by convention or morality - Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society - deplorably dissipated and degraded - riotous living - fast women • Syn: debauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, libertine, profligate, riotous • Similar to: immoral • Derivationally related forms: riot (for: riotous), profligate (for: profligate), libertine (for: libertine), dissoluteness (for: dissolute), degenerate (for: degenerate) 7. hurried and brief - paid a flying visit - took a flying glance at the book - a quick inspection - a fast visit • Syn: flying, quick • Similar to: hurried • Derivationally related forms: fastness, quickness (for: quick) 8. securely fixed in place - the post was still firm after being hit by the car • Syn: firm, immobile • Similar to: fixed • Derivationally related forms: immobility (for: immobile), firmness (for: firm), fastness 9. unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause - a firm ally - loyal supporters - "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison - fast friends • Syn: firm, loyal, truehearted • Similar to: faithful • Derivationally related forms: firmness (for: firm) 10. (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time - a fast lens • Similar to: causative
1. quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form) (Freq. 16) - how fast can he get here? - ran as fast as he could - needs medical help fast - fast-running rivers - fast-breaking news - fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters 2. firmly or closely (Freq. 1) - held fast to the rope - her foot was stuck fast - held tight • Syn: tight