1. cause to run (Freq. 12) - pour water over the floor • See Also: pour down • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: spill, shed, pour forth, dribble, drip, drop, transfuse, effuse, pour out, decant • Cause: run, flow, feed, course • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP - The women pour water into the bowl 2. move in large numbers (Freq. 7) - people were pouring out of the theater - beggars pullulated in the plaza • Syn: swarm, stream, teem, pullulate • Derivationally related forms: stream (for: stream), swarm (for: swarm) • Hypernyms: crowd, crowd together • Hyponyms: spill over, spill out, pour out • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 3. pour out (Freq. 6) - the sommelier decanted the wines • Syn: decant, pour out • Derivationally related forms: decanter (for: decant), decantation (for: decant) • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP 4. flow in a spurt (Freq. 4) - Water poured all over the floor • Hypernyms: run, flow, feed, course • Hyponyms: spurt, spirt, gush, spout, regurgitate • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Water and oil pour into the bowl 5. supply in large amounts or quantities (Freq. 1) - We poured money into the education of our children • Hypernyms: supply, provide, render, furnish • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something PP 6. rain heavily - Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside! • Syn: pelt, stream, rain cats and dogs, rain buckets • Derivationally related forms: pelter (for: pelt) • Hypernyms: rain, rain down • Hyponyms: sheet, sluice, sluice down • Verb Frames: - It is ----ing - It was pouring all day long