a lightweight cord • Syn: string • Derivationally related forms: string (for: string) • Hypernyms: cord • Hyponyms: chalk line, snap line, snapline, packthread
1. spin,wind, or twist together (Freq. 5) - intertwine the ribbons - Twine the threads into a rope - intertwined hearts • Syn: intertwine, entwine, enlace, interlace, lace • Ant: untwine • Derivationally related forms: twiner • Hypernyms: twist, distort • Hyponyms: wreathe, wind, wattle, pleach, plash, ravel, tangle, knot, splice • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. form into a spiral shape - The cord is all twisted • Syn: twist, distort • Ant: untwist (for: twist) • Derivationally related forms: distortion (for: distort), twist (for: twist) • Hypernyms: change shape, change form, deform • Hyponyms: wring, wrench, contort, deform, distort, entangle, tangle, mat, snarl, intertwine, entwine, enlace, interlace, lace, spin, weave, interweave • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s something PP 3. arrange or or coil around - roll your hair around your finger - Twine the thread around the spool - She wrapped her arms around the child • Syn: wind, wrap, roll • Ant: unwind (for: wind) • See Also: roll up (for: roll), wrap up (for: wrap) • Derivationally related forms: roller (for: roll), roll (for: roll), winder (for: wind) • Hypernyms: move, displace • Hyponyms: spool, reel, ball, clue, clew, coil, loop, curl • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something PP 4. make by twisting together or intertwining - twine a rope • Derivationally related forms: twiner • Hypernyms: make, create • Verb Group: intertwine, entwine, enlace, interlace, lace • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something